DaDa Boudi birani restuarent-kolkata,india.

What can i say about this restuarent.It is a legend by itself.The person who had eatten there for once.He/she became a fan of the birani of dada boudi.Mostly they contain 2 types of birani.First is mutton and second is chicken birani.The meat is the differance.It will make you will feel like heaven when the first bite you take from the plate.The plate will cointan 1 piece of mutton (250 gm),one big piece of patato(prepare with the birani)and the mos important its rice full of spice. Just Imagine your are feeling Hungr. At that time you smell something amazing.When you get their it is dad a boudi restuarent and they give you i plate of mutton birani.Just imagine about the first bite....... In next blog i will share the recipe of dada boudi mutton birani till then stay tunned...